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The Grace of 'IT'

By Tracy Leonard
Contributing Writer

As a senior in 2004 at Immaculate Heart Central in Watertown, I had the honor and blessing of being a member of the IHC Mystery Players. Since 2010, I’ve had the privilege of serving as an adult mentor in the group. Certainly, my involvement both as a student and mentor has helped deepen my relationship with others, but ultimately and most importantly, with Christ.

One of the questions we often ask ourselves as Mystery Players is “will I get it?” What is this “it” we speak of and how is “it” obtained? To each, the answer to this question may vary, for it is uniquely different for every individual. I like to think of “it” as a personal experience with God. A moment of deep spiritual connection when faith and God’s love engulfs your inner being and moves you to a new level of spiritual maturity and understanding.

I’m not even sure this explanation fully describes what I feel when I think I’ve “got it.” I believe “getting it” and understanding what it is you’ve got are two different things. First of all, how do you “get it?” Well, let me try to explain my understanding. One who longs for this intimate connection with the Lord may think they merely need to go to church more often, say a certain number of prayers and avoid all serious sins. Doing this much calls one to holiness because he or she is in the state of grace and has God dwelling in their soul, but “getting it” calls us to something greater. “Getting it” aims further.

One who seeks this “it” we speak of, shall strive to live more fully for God by greater imitation of Christ.
He or she who really “gets it” genuinely tries to think, speak or act more like Jesus each day. For the greater one’s success in “putting on” Christ, the greater your degree of intimate connection with Him.

So how do you know you’ve “got it” and what do you do with “it” once you’ve obtained “it?” It is through everyday experiences that we may feel we’ve “got it,” but the time I feel I’ve “gotten it” most is when I’ve become vulnerable and trust that God is working in and through me. Some may experience this connection when they are struck with wonder and awe at the sight of Niagara Falls or a butterfly, at the peak of a mountain, at the birth of a child, through service at the soup kitchen or on a mission trip, celebrating a Sacrament, at the bedside of a loved one, or maybe even at a time of intense suffering. To each his own, but the real question lies in what we do with this great gift of grace we obtain. Unless we “put on Christ” and share that gift, we’ve failed to grow in deeper connection with others and God.

So here is the challenge: try to become more aware of these moments when you’ve “gotten it” and take the opportunity He gives you each day to “get it”; but most importantly, pay it forward and ask God for the grace to understand and be thankful for what you’ve “got.”

Tracy Leonard

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