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Archives Volunteering: ‘it keeps me going’

Jan. 20, 2016

By Melissa Howard
Contributing writer

Tupper Lake - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Ogdensburg hosts two volunteer programs that may interest older Catholics in the North Country: The Foster Grandparent Program and The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.

The Corporation for National and Community Service is a federally funded agency that has built volunteer based programs over 50 years and counting.  Two of these programs are right in our backyard.Volunteering

The purpose of the Foster Grandparent Program of Northern New York is to provide opportunities for low income persons aged 55 and older, to provide person to person services in health, education, and the welfare of children ages 21 and below.

Foster Grandparents are placed in a classroom setting with a child or children who are in need of emotional support, development of basic learning skills, to provide friendship, companionship, encouragement, individual attention, and unhurried help.

The Foster Grandparent also receives a small non-taxable stipend bi-weekly that cannot be held against any current benefits they may college. Mileage expenses are also covered and participants receive paid holidays, vacations, sick and personal leave.

The program currently has 40 volunteers and serves more than 100 children per year.

“Sometimes when you get to be my age, you wake up and say what good am I” said that late Roy Foote at the age of 83. “Along came the Foster Grandparent Program that keeps me going!”
The purpose of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program of Franklin County is to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities for older Americans. RSVP volunteers provide service to those that prove to be in need throughout Franklin County.

The volunteer hours served will help not only the people served but their families as well.  Volunteer hours will encourage healthy living and independence and help to combat loneliness and depression, and give the youth of our community an upper hand in education. 

This goal will be accomplished by placing volunteers with homebound and hard to reach elders/and or children by providing friendly visiting, running errands, medical transport, delivering meals, friendship and assisting children with reading and tutoring. Reimbursement for travel is provided.

Further information about volunteering in either of these program is available at the Tupper Lake Catholic Charities office at 518-359-7688. Vivian Smith, program director; Melissa Howard, volunteer coordinator; or Claudine Dailey, program assistant, staff the office.

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