By Kristina Dean In a matter of moments, one can hear the joy, sense of purpose and true happiness in Sister Shawn Pauline’s voice. As she speaks, discusses her life and decisions she’s made that have led her to the Lord, one can see that here is a woman who has truly found her vocation as a Bride of Christ. The 31-year-old woman who previously lived in Crown Point, lives in Duarte, California and in 2006 made her first vows to the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles. On July 15, Sister Shawn Pauline, whose birth name is Janet Burke, will make her final vows to totally devote herself to God. “I am really looking forward to it because I long to say I want to be His forever, to say it officially. I want the whole world to know that I am the spouse of Jesus Christ together forever for all of eternity,” she said. Through her amazing journey, many road signs have guided her to the right path, from Catholic elementary school, gifted priests, family members who have joined religious life, a special novel by a Carmelite nun, to a Catholic camp for youth. Heard God’s call at early age As early as second grade she began to think God was calling her. One place that strengthened her foundation in the Catholic faith was the time she spent at Camp Guggenheim, on Lower Saranac Lake. The Camp is sponsored and operated by the Diocese of Ogdensburg Youth Ministry. Sister Shawn Pauline spent her teen years attending camp during weekends that bookended the summer, during Memorial Day and Labor Day. Sustained by Guggenheim I am indebted to Gayle Frank and Michele Watkins,” she said. “I know now what sacrifices they went through to make sure that the young adults had a place to go to be themselves. They drove the message home that God is greater.” Sister Shawn Pauline did struggle during her high school years with the idea that she might be called to God. A divine and jealous suitor Another special experience she described was reading “Story of a Soul” by St. Terese of Lisieux. Known as the Little Flower of Jesus, the saint lived in the late 1800s and became a Carmelite nun. Inspired by the Little Flower of Jesus “She (St. Terese) was able to articulate things in the human heart that everyone has, that people desire. She spoke to beautifully of Carmel,” Sister Shan Pauline said. The young woman joined a group at Steubenville called the “Little Flowers” after the saint and became devoted to her. Eventually, this would springboard into her real vocation. Influential priests and sisters Another person who greatly impacted her was a Sister Regina Marie who gave a talk one night at Sister Shawn Pauline’s dorm. “She was very joyful, radiating Christ,” she said. “It drew me to her. After that night, of watching her speak, I found someone I could identify with. “Sister Regina Marie spoke so beautifully about community life and prayer. It rocked me to the core. I couldn’t run away anymore,” she said. The nun, who became Mother during Sister Shawn Pauline’s junior year, showed a book of all the sisters who had passed away. “She was turning pages, telling me about each sister, of how beautiful they were and how they affected community.” Sister Shawn Pauline said. “She just was oozing spirituality. She is a very holy woman. “I was captivated and petrified,” she said. Local priests instrumental in discernment One priest shared his vocation story with her during a long bus ride down to Washington D.C. On a trip to the annual March for Life, she asked Father Mark Reilly, a former helicopter pilot and Marine, about his calling to religious life. “Father Mark had a huge influence on my life,” she said. “He introduced me to the mysteries of the Rosary and the Liturgy of the Hours. He inspired me. “The conversation we had planted a tremendous seed in my heart,” she said. Sacrifices and hardships Advice for young people “There is something beautiful that God may be calling you to do,” she aid. “And if you feel it in your heart, pursue it, find out more about it. You will not regret seeking that path. It might even be marriage. It’s something that will help you develop tremendously as a person. There is no greater joy you can receive on this earth,” she said. “It is His holy and perfect will for you that will make you the most happy.” A journey begun in 2002 In September of 2003, she became a postulant which typically takes about nine months and is devoted to prayer, doctrinal study and learning about communal living. In July of 2004, she became a novitiate, deepening and centering her studies on poverty, chastity and obedience. These three essentials became vows she professed in 2006 in front of family with her cousin Father Stitt, director of vocations for the Diocese of Ogdensburg, as the celebrant. For the next five years, Sr. Shawn Pauline made temporary vows each year that reinforced her commitment. The sixth year, the final profession of vows is given, where she will give herself to God forever in the service of others. Sister Shawn Pauline Burke, right, a native of Crown Point, will make her final vows as a Carmelite Sister of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles July 15. She is shown above with Angela York, current postulant with the Carmelite Sisters. |