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Congratulations and prayers go out to Bishop Lucia

By Bishop Terry R. LaValley

Aug. 14, 2019Lucia

On August 8, 2019, in the thirtieth year of his priesthood, Bishop-elect Douglas J. Lucia concluded his ministry to the people of the North Country and became the Chief Shepherd of the Church of Syracuse.

Congratulations Bishop Lucia! I know personally how big the shoes are that he must now fill as Bishop Cunningham claims the title of Bishop Emeritus of Syracuse. We congratulate Bishop Cunningham for his faith-filled episcopal ministry to the Church and pray the Lord keep him in good health.

As prayers were voiced, hymns sung, the saints invoked, and Cardinal Dolan presented Bishop Lucia with the bishop’s miter and pastoral staff at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the new bishop joined the ranks of the successors to the Apostles of Jesus Christ. We rejoice with the faithful of Syracuse as they welcome their eleventh bishop.

Bishop Lucia’s absence will be keenly felt here in the North Country. He has been a trusted friend since our seminary days at Wadhams Hall and a source of invaluable assistance and personal support through the years. So many in our beloved North Country have been uplifted and strengthened in our journeys through his pastoral ministry. Bishop Lucia’s strong faith and deep love for the Church will enable him to lead the faithful of Syracuse with confidence, inspired hope and Gospel joy.

We congratulate Bishop Lucia’s parents, Betty and Leward, and his brothers, David and Paul, and sister, Ann, and their loved ones as they claim a bishop in their family. The strong faith witness of the new bishop’s parents clearly was instrumental in creating a culture of vocations in the Lucia household. Thank you, Betty and Leward! With the proud parishioners of Holy Angels parish in Altona and all the folks of the North Country, we congratulate Bishop Lucia and assure him of our continued prayers as he begins his episcopal ministry in Syracuse In the Name of Jesus.

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